

This slideshow is from the Buffalo Blizzard of ’77.

Buffalo is my hometown. I lived in Chicago, which is colder and Boston, which chills you to the bone more. But Buffalo has its own brand of famous weather. And after the steel mills and the other industries like Trico left town, Buffalo experienced a brain drain and was left only with its most basic resources, good people and good, cheap food. Example after example shows why Buffalo is called “The City of Good Neighbors.”

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4 Responses to “Buffalo”

  1. Sharon Says:

    Jerry – Wow, I couldn’t believe it when I heard about the 2 feet of snow in Buffalo. I remember ’77 like it was yesterday. My dad was stuck out of town, my mom and I passed the time making pudding and watching “Roots” on TV. The day we were finally able to get out of the house, we drove (very slowly) to the grocery store. Everyone in our neighborhood was there. Packaged bread was completely sold out; we all stood in line at the bakery waiting for loaves to cool so it could be sliced and sold.

  2. Jerry Says:

    Right you are Sharon. Buffalo of course is near and dear to me and I’d love
    to hear from more Buffalonians about their experiences with this storm
    and with the Blizzard of ’77. From what I hear, this storm wreaked much
    more havoc than the legendary blizzard. But not to worry, FEMA is on the case!

  3. JillK. Says:

    Hey Jerry,

    It was worse in Rochester, where I grew up. I was in Albany at the time and it didn’t seem so bad, but then I heard the stories of the National Guard having to use tanks to clear the roads. My parents had snow drifted up to our second story.

    My younger siblings remember it as great fun because my father opened the front door and let them burrow around in the humungous drift. Good thing it didn’t collapse and smother any of them!

  4. Ken JP Stuczynski Says:

    I remember my Dad being stuck at work in east Aurora. We lived in Depew, and the drifts reached the lower roof. It wasn’t the amount of snow, really, it was the drifts and whiteouts that from what I recall left a few people dead and frozen in their own front yards, unable to find their own front door.

    The 80 inches we got a couple years ago — now that was extreme, but it came down quickly and stayed there mostly. They actually were running out of places to put the stuff, and some of it was shipped to the grounds where the old Westinghouse facility used to be, by the airport. Even the national guard brought out their equipment, but there were still those jamming up the streets sideways with their 4×4 attitudes of “to h3ll with the driving ban!”