The Mysterious Case of Smilin’ Bob

As reported on this blog back in September 2007, the FDA, FTC and FCC have irresponsibly allowed nutritional supplement companies to flood the primetime TV airwaves with potentially harmful products.

One of these, Enzyte, the male-enhancement product/brainchild of CEO Steve Warshak and Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, recently went down hard. In August, Warshak was sentenced to 25 years in prison with a $500 million fine, after being convicted on 93 counts of conspiracy, fraud and money laundering. Now, the company has been sold, pending a judge’s OK.

Customers were preyed upon for their sexual inadequecies and given the bait, a free 30 day supply, only to be continually billed for monthly orders, with company policy to make it “hard to cancel or get a refund.”

On top of that, John Larson, the actor who portrays “Smilin’ Bob” has been reported missing and presumed dead since last June 12, after a boating accident near the Caribbean Island of Martinique. At the time, Berkeley was considering changing Enzyte’s name and replacing Smilin’ Bob…

Strangely, I still see the Smilin’ Bob commercials on TV, but never in its entirety, only the first few seconds of each ad.

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10 Responses to “The Mysterious Case of Smilin’ Bob”

  1. Dark Says:

    Jerry –

    I still see that commercial on TV. I think it was on the Retro Channel just recently.

  2. Kathi Says:

    I can’t verify this anywhere. I think you guys are completely full of it:)

  3. ozwizard182 Says:

    Nice language. Anyway I tried to tell my friends quite some time ago that ENZYTE commercials were ordered to stop. for about 2months, I didn’t see them in my area, Dayton Ohio, which I believe the class action lawsuit began. Then there he is! IT’s a shame, I’m trying to get my money back & Enzyte stalled until the time for the refund ran out. If you have more questions about the lawsuit or your eligibility, contact attorneys Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro at 206-623-7292 or

    Another user on YOUTUBE; I’ve contacted
    Enzyte has had the adverse effect on? my junk. I am developing a lawsuit. I have lost all capabilities with my penis. This is terrible. I can’t even look my wife in the eyes anymore. I DETEST you Enzyte!

  4. smilin' willie Says:

    anyone who purchases these pills can’t be very hardup for a solution..could they?…

  5. ozonetv Says:

    Kathi – Here’s my correspondence with L’assmble Martinique, the Martinique newspaper: You can check it yourself. Jerry

    I’m afraid there is no clue that he has survived nor died. He didn’t show up in Martinique neither. I hope you solve this mysterious case…
    Good luck and our best regards

  6. Weddings on the Strand Says:

    I just looked up Smilin’ Bob because i find the commercals obnoxious and the image of Smilin’ Bob disquieting.

  7. Yuri Rasovsky Says:

    I think the commercials are particularly enjoyable. That they are in questionable taste is part of the humor.

  8. Lori Says:

    are you sure that enzyte hasn’t effected that smile of his instead of his penis?

  9. Robert Van Benthuysen Says:

    I think the commercials with Smilin Bob are nothing short of genious.He represents all males that are having problems with sexual disfunction.The hand motion and positioning during the commercials are a sign that all systems are go,we have lift off!Cut Smilin Bob some slack and enjoy a commercial that was well made and clever,and most of all harmless.

  10. Keith bonerstein Says:

    It’s funny… I just saw that commercial about 5 minutes ago (Aug 12, 2010) and looked it all up. And I’m shocked by the story behind it. Funny commercial though. I knew these things never worked, how were they ever able to get commercial time?