Behind the Scenes
“The Gobbler” involved lots of extra creative activity. Here’s one extra, a music video with me singing one of my own compositions, “The Turkey Song.” It’s my singing debut and perhaps finale.
People ask us why we don’t post episodes more often. The answer is we do all the work ourselves. And there is alot of work. We do occasionally work with a sterling specialist, like voicemaster Charlie Williams who does the turkey sound effects.
Also, here’s a rough cut of “The Gobbler”, which includes scenes that wound up on the cutting room floor, as well as a doublespeeded piano track, recorded on an old, echoing church piano. Chime in and tell us your thoughts on the rough cut and/or “The Turkey Song.” Should I stop singing?
November 13th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
[…] out Behind the Scenes of this […]
November 13th, 2007 at 4:45 pm
The piano seemed too frenzied in the b-take, I like the leisurely pace of the final cut piano – it adds a “story time” feel to your tale. I did like the sound of that church piano, though. Nice and old-timey.
The endings are both great! I am not sure which I like better. I think the b-take (as an ex-vegetarian I appreciate the die-hard, relentless meat-eating humor).
As always, great work! Keep ’em coming. I for one don’t mind the wait when the quality of product is where it is on your videos.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:32 pm
The differences seem minor except for the ending. I like the earlier version’s out-takes and wonder why they were cut. Although having seen the final version first and liking it right away, it certainly doesn’t suffer from losing those scenes. The ending where he feels bad about eating turkey but not enough to forsake the traditional bird at Thanksgiving rings more true. Come on, which is it really?
March 28th, 2008 at 12:55 am
Keep singing!